Friday, May 30, 2014

Easy Bruschetta

Bruschetta is one of my favorite dishes. It is a quintessential Italian appetizer made from bread and ripe, juicy tomatoes. The quality of your bruschetta really depends on the quality of the tomatoes.  Here is a simple version my friend Barbara Falkenhagen taught me long ago. 

• toast some bread slices
• while the bread is warm, spread a nice layer of butter on the slices and let the butter melt and soak in
• dice some tomatoes
• add some salt and pepper to the tomatoes
• put the tomatoes on the warm, buttery bread and enjoy!

Options:  You can also add some chopped rosemary, basil, or other herbs to the tomatoes. I've also seen bruschetta in Italy made with diced olives. In Italy sometimes a thin layer of pesto is applied on top of buttered bread before adding tomatoes. And I've also seen bruschetta made using olive oil rather than butter. Experiment and enjoy!

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